In a world where digital convenience reigns, the charm of personal touch can sometimes get lost in the mix. As someone who embraces modern technology to enhance my photography services, I've also seen the flip side of digital communication—its potential pitfalls.

Recently, my own experience highlighted a critical reminder: technology, as helpful as it is, has its failings. My computer suffered a breakdown, and for six weeks, unbeknownst to me, my website's contact form was out of commission. Emails were lost in the ether, and opportunities to connect with clients were missed. For this, I extend my sincerest apologies to anyone who reached out during this period and received no response.

This incident brings me to a vital piece of advice for those looking to hire a professional for their special day: consider making a phone call. Here’s why:

Immediate Connection: A phone call allows for instant dialogue. Queries can be addressed on the spot, and you can get a better feel for the person you're planning to entrust with capturing your memories.

Clarity and Detail: Emails are fantastic for confirmation and records, but a call can often provide clearer answers to the specific, nuanced questions you might have.

Reliability: As seen from my recent experience, digital communication is not infallible. Emails can land in spam folders, and software can fail. A phone call eliminates these barriers.

Personal Touch: There’s an undeniable warmth in voice-to-voice communication. A call can build rapport and trust between you and your photographer, setting the stage for a more personalized service.

While I am back on track and my website is fully functional again, this experience was a reminder of the value of keeping traditional lines of communication open. So, while you can always reach out via email or through my website, I encourage you to also consider picking up the phone. I am here to chat, understand your vision, and ensure that we can capture it perfectly—without a digital glitch getting in the way.

For any inquiries or just to say hello, don’t hesitate to give me a call. Let’s make sure your special moments are captured seamlessly!